Amgad Serour

Amgad was raised in Egypt. He received a B.A. in French from Cairo University and an M.A., again in French, from the University of Western Ontario. He has worked as an archival researcher, gathering information on the French speaking press in Egypt, as part of a joint venture between Egypt and France under the aegis of the CNSR of France (the National Center for Scientific Study). In his M.A. work he looked at the role of different media — novels, movies, and graphic novels — in defining the relationship between memory and space. In his doctoral work he intends to expand his investigation of various media to include virtual social media. He will investigate how social media forces the rethinking of spatial and historical divides, as well as rethinking the relationship of identity to geography. He wants to analyze the network-based dialog around the geopolitical, social, and economic division of the global north and global south.