ICGC Research Year Fellowship Grants provide support for ICGC Scholars at the University of Minnesota who have completed 24 thesis credits and are ABD. These more substantial dissertation research grants enable students to spend six months to one year engaged in full-time research, typically at an international site, in order to produce a high-quality and timely dissertation.
The ICGC Mellon Scholars award affords students an opportunity to conduct their research in residence at UWC for six months to one year. These field-research trips typically occur between the fourth and fifth years of graduate study and support dissertation field research related to the goals of the ICGC Program.
Award Description
Awards will vary based on the applicant's original ICGC Scholar fellowship terms. Grants will help with travel, maintenance, and other expenses related to the dissertation research. Applicants are encouraged to apply to other funders for additional support if needed.
These grants are restricted to current ICGC Scholars who are ABD and have completed 24 thesis credits. The grants are intended to support final dissertation research.
Application Process
Travel Approval
University policy requires approval for student travel to locations designated as Travel Advisory Level 3 or 4 by the U.S. Department of State. If your project involves travel to one of these locations, you must seek special permission from the International Travel Risk Assessment and Advisory Committee. You should apply as soon as possible, as the committee review process commonly takes several weeks. ICGC cannot release your funds until you have received approval from ITRAAC.
Human Subjects Approval
In addition, if your project includes research involving human subjects, you must apply to the University's Institutional Review Board for approval before commencing your work. This process can also take several weeks to complete, so if your project needs approval you should start your application as soon as possible. ICGC must receive notification of your IRB approval status in order to release your funds.