Affiliated Faculty

Our graduate courses, research initiatives, and program governance are supported by an interdisciplinary group of affiliated faculty members from six colleges and schools across campus.

Alphabetized by Last Name
Name Department Research Interests
Meixi - Organizational Leadership, Policy, and Development Land-based teaching and learning, nature-culture relations, learning and human development, Indigenous ethics & STEM, trans-Indigenous relations, community-based school design
Hakim Abderrezak French and Italian Post-colonial, cultural & gender studies, Beur and Francophone literature & cinema
Cawo Abdi Sociology migration, transnationalism, Islam, gender, family, identity, forced displacement; East and South Africa, Middle East
Aren Aizura Gender, Women & Sexuality Studies queer theory, transgender studies, transnationality and immigration, and political economy and labor
Nina Asher Curriculum and Instruction Postcolonialism, feminism, globalization, critical perspectives on multiculturalism, and Asian American studies in education
Ragui Assaad Public Affairs labor markets, urban poverty, informal economy, Egypt
Lawrence Baker Bioproducts and Biosystems Engineering environmental engineering, urban ecosystems, water quality/pollution, drought resilience, global south cities
Heidi Barajas Organizational Leadership, Policy and Development Race, class, gender and educational attainment; Public engagement and higher education, transformational models of engagement, gender and leadership
Kenneth Bartlett Organizational Leadership, Policy and Development Human resource development, vocational education and training, organization development and change
Zobeida Bonilla Epidemiology and Community Health Medical anthropology, global health, maternal and child health, Latino/a health, Latin America & the Caribbean
Anuja Bose Political Science Comparative studies of race and empire, Black political thought, postcolonial studies, transnational social movements
Bruce Braun Geography, Environment & Society the environment, power, and culture, indigenous societies, West Canada
Rose Brewer African American and African Studies economy & culture, Black family life, Black women’s studies
Karen Brown Development Studies and Social Change feminist international relations, gender and politics, international human rights, international research ethics
Teri Caraway Political Science Southeast Asian politics, comparative labor/gender politics, comparative political economy
Cesare Casarino Cultural Studies and Comparative Literature continental philosophy, literary theory, cinema & film theory, queer theory
Bianet Castellanos American Studies Politics and popular culture, immigration, global cities, the U.S.-Mexico border, and transnationalism
Sarah Chambers History colonial Latin America, identity politics and democratization
Jay Coggins Applied Economics environmental economics, market-based pollution control
Francesca Cuthbert Fisheries, Wildlife and Conservation Biology biology and conservation of waterbirds
Joan DeJaeghere Organizational Leadership, Policy and Development gender/ ethnic equality & education, global & cultural citizenship & education
Kate Derickson Geography, Environment & Society Feminist epistemology, the political economy of race and racialization, the American South, environmental governance, scholar-activism
Tracey Deutsch History Feminist theory, women's and gender history, histories of capitalism, the politics of consumption, labor, and agriculture
Ana Claudia dos Santos Sao Bernardo African American and African Studies Black diaspora studies, Afro-Brazilian studies, gender, women and sexuality studies, global studies, Black diasporic literatures and cultures, Black geography
Christina Ewig Center on Women, Gender and Public Policy Gender and social policy; gender, race, and political representation; women’s and indigenous movements; Latin America
Ana Paula Ferreira Spanish & Portuguese Studies women writers and empire, 'race', colonialism, and the post-colonial
Forrest Fleischman Forest Resources Natural resource and environmental policy & politics, democratic governance, forestry, South Asia, Mesoamerica
Ana Forcinito Spanish & Portuguese Studies 19th & 20th century Latin American testimonial writing, women’s writing, memory studies, feminist theory, Latin American film, human rights
Greta Friedemann-Sanchez Public Affairs international development, health services, ethnography of household economics/family health, property, violence, gender
Andrew Furco Organizational Leadership, Policy and Development experiential learning, campus-community partnerships, educational reform and change, service-learning, engaged scholarship
Vinay Gidwani Geography agrarian change and rural transformation, world hunger, South Asia
Njeri Githire African American and African Studies African Literary and Cultural Production; Literatures of the African Diaspora, immigration and Racial Formation in the African Diasporic Spheres; Women's Writings and Feminist Theory; Postcolonial Theory and Criticism; Francophone Studies; Food, (Non)-Eat
Michael Goh Organizational Leadership, Policy and Development Counseling and mental health around the world, Indigenous ways of helping and healing, Cultural Intelligence, Intercultural education and training
Michael Goldman Sociology transnational institutions, globalization, development & environment, the neoliberal project
Osiris Gomez Spanish & Portuguese Studies Indigenous thought and poetry of Latin America, decolonial theory and praxis, language rights
Julie Grossman Horticulture Science Organic Agriculture, Soil Nutrient Cycling, Legume Cover Crops, Rhizobia Ecology, Biological Nitrogen Fixation
Serra Hakyemez Anthropology Revolution, counter-insurgency warfare, law, decolonial politics, political prisoners, and the Middle East
Elise Harrington Science, Technology, and Environmental Policy Climate change, energy and environment, environmental policy, international development, policy and program implementation, science and technology
Douglas Hartmann Sociology sociology of sports, race relations, popular culture, social theory
Elizabeth Heger Boyle Sociology international law on women's status
Jessica Hellmann Ecology, Evolution & Behavior; Institute on the Environment ecological responses to climate and other environmental changes, strategies to help people and ecosystems reverse or adapt to these changes
Lisa Hilbink Political Science Legal mobilization, access to justice, human rights, Latin America
Allen Isaacman History Rural social and economic history, Southern Africa
Fayola Jacobs Humphrey School Disasters and climate change, environmental planning, global Black communities and the environment, Black feminist approaches to planning, community-engaged planning, environmental justice
Nic Jelinski Soil, Water and Climate Pedology, variation of soil properties at multiple spatial scales, and the use of isotopic tracers in studies of soil genesis. Innovative approaches to teaching soil science in classroom and field environments
Christopher Johnstone Organizational Leadership, Policy and Development Inclusive education, development internationalization of higher education, intersection of diversity, equity, and internationalization
Helen Kinsella Political Science International humanitarian law, international norms and institutions, international security, gender and armed conflict, international relations theories, contemporary political thought, feminist theories
Caroline Krafft Humphrey School Demography, economic development, education, gender, labor economics, Middle East and North Africa
Rachmi Diyah Larasati Gender, Women & Sexuality Studies Post Colonial Feminist Studies, Performance & Indegeneity and the Neoliberal Project, Aesthetics and law
Deborah Levison Public Affairs labor economics of the family, economic demography
Nancy Luxon Political Science contemporary French and postcolonial theory, power and subjectivity, French North Africa, psychoanalysis and psychiatry (in western and colonial settings)
Crystal Ng Earth & Environmental Sciences Hydrology / water science, groundwater resources, water quality, climate change, community-engaged participatory research
August Nimtz Political Science social movements, rural political development, Africa, Latin America
Carrie Oelberger Public Affairs Public-private dynamics; philanthropy; professionalization; work and employment; nonprofit and NGO management; international development
Tade Okediji Applied Economics/African American & African Studies comparative institutional economic development, political economy of ethnicity, sub-Saharan Africa and Latin America
Tricia Olsen Public Affairs Democracy; human rights; international development; sustainable development; Latin America; private enterprise
Craig Packer Ecology, Evolution & Behavior "Whole Village” development, public health and natural resources in rural Africa
Dan Philippon English environmental lit., history, ethics
Helena Pohlandt-McCormick History South African history; African & comparative women’s history; memory, oral history, life histories/autobiography; methodology; post-colonial theory; pre-colonial Africa; history of exile
Jennifer Powers Ecology, Evolution & Behavior Tropical forest ecology, climate change, seasonally dry tropical forests, forest restoration, conservation
Heather Randell Public Affairs Environmental demography, climate change, population health, dam building and displacement, sustainable development, Brazil, East Africa
Nida Sajid Asian and Middle Eastern Studies South Asian Studies, Islam and Modernity, Gender and Caste, Postcolonial Theory, Intellectual History
Arun Saldanha Geography, Environment & Society critical race theory, theories of globalization, colonialism, nationalism & mobilities, feminist theory, human-environment interaction
Abdi Samatar Geography, Environment & Society development theory, agrarian change, ethnicity and social relations, East and South Africa
Brigitte Seim Humphrey School Governance and accountability, democratization and backsliding, politics of development, African politics, natural resources governance

Sima Shakhsari Gender, Women & Sexuality Studies Gender, sexuality, Middle Eastern diaspora
Roozbeh Shirazi Organizational Leadership, Policy and Development Citizenship, national belonging, and youth political engagement; comparative and international education; gender and education; migration, diaspora, and transnationalism
Ajay Skaria History, Global Studies environment, nationalism, colonialism, South Asia
James L. Smith Fisheries, Wildlife and Conservation Biology Biology /conservation of Asian mammals; conservation data bases; metapopulation structure of large mammals, ecosystem management
Elizabeth Sumida Huaman Organizational Leadership, Policy and Development Comparative Indigenous education research, indigenous knowledge systems, nature-mediated education/place-based education/decolonial education, indigenous women’s narratives and transformative human rights
Shaden Tageldin Cultural Studies and Comparative Literature literatures in English/Arabic/French, empire and post-colonial studies, translation, Egypt
Bhaskar Upadhyay Organizational Leadership, Policy & Development Global issues related to immigration, refugees, food security, indigenous experiences, and STEM education
Adriana Uscanga Forest Resources Landscape Ecology, Social-Ecological Systems, Geospatial Analysis, Remote Sensing, Global Change, Environmental Justice
David Valentine Anthropology Temporality and futurity, language politics, social justice movements, gender and sexuality, queer theory, outer space
Mary Vavrus Communication Studies Gender, race, and class in media; media militarism; and political economy of media
Shannon Drysdale Walsh Political Science Central America; violence against women; policy implementation; transnational advocacy networks; institution-building; women's rights; asylum; immigration; sex trafficking
David Wilsey Master of Development Practice; Public Affairs Sustainable livelihood systems, integrated conservation and development strategies, non-timber forest products, and food systems research