Marian Candil Escobar

I grew up in Colombia, with a social worker mom, an Aeronautical Technician police dad, and my two siblings. I volunteered since I was a child, working with disadvantaged communities, kids nonprofits, and orphanages. I did my B.A. in media, communication and journalism at the University of Sergio Arboleda in Bogota, CO. During my time there I did research about the memoirs of the Colombian war, student protests, social development and the relation of poverty, government abandoned, and access to education. I volunteered in multiple cities in Colombia and in a favela in Brazil. I also work with Gotas de Amor, a nonprofit that works with kids and supports them with education, recreation, food, and more. I love to be involved in social projects and I am committed to work in favor of children to give them voice and make the world a better place for them to grow, explore, and be.