The Graduate School, on behalf of the Provost’s Interdisciplinary Team, awards Interdisciplinary Doctoral Fellowships (IDF). The Interdisciplinary Center for the Study of Global Change (ICGC) is one of the sites eligible to host students for these fellowships.
The IDF awards will support outstanding Graduate School students whose current or proposed dissertation topic is interdisciplinary and who would benefit from interaction with faculty at an interdisciplinary research center or institute. These awards are intended to provide a unique study opportunity for the very best students whose research and scholarly interests complement those of the selected center or institute and its faculty. The student has the option of designating the center or institute that they believe is the best match with the student’s current or proposed dissertation topic, contingent upon a faculty member’s willingness to work with the student during the Fellowship year.
For students interested in the Interdisciplinary Center for the Study of Global Change as host for their IDF, they must demonstrate how being hosted at ICGC, and working with one of its affiliated graduate faculty members, would enhance the interdisciplinary nature of the thesis work. ICGC will give priority to students who do not already hold ICGC Fellowships.
Learn more about Interdisciplinary Doctoral Fellowships »
Application Process
ICGC will review IDF applications and notify applicants of a decision by early November. ICGC will provide a letter of support to the Director of Graduate Studies for students it recommends for these fellowships prior to the November 8, 2024 5:00 p.m. CT Graduate School deadline.