Trans-Indigenous Canoe Relationalities and Materialities: The Native Canoe Program's Collaborative Contributions to Global Indigenous Studies and New Knowledge Production
537 Heller Hall (ICGC)
**Please note, we encourage you to come in person, but if you aren't able to attend we have a live stream option and a recording will be made available on our website following the event.
This multimedia presentation will feature the theoretical and applied foundations developed by the Department of American Indian Studies' Native Canoe Program. Using Indigenous watercraft and the craftwork of Indigenous knowledge systems about water/land/sky to advance engaged research, teaching, learning, and kinmaking among Minnesota's Indigenous communities, the Native Canoe program also partners with the College of Engineering and Science's Immersive / Visualization Lab (I/V Lab) to explore the specific intellectual, cultural, and social interphase and payouts for academic researchers and Minnesota's Indigenous communities when Indigenous technology/ knowledge meets virtual, augmented, and mixed Reality platforms.