Empowering the Guardians of Selva Maya: Creating a Path to Equitable Market Access for Sustainable Livelihoods and Forest Conservation.

Luiza Lucena
PhD student, Department of Forest Resources
Date and Time:

537 Heller Hall

Abstract: This talk will delve into the critical role of forest communities and Indigenous Peoples in the context of forest conservation. It will discuss mechanisms aimed at empowering these communities to establish equitable market access for both timber and non-timber forest products, with the ultimate goal of enhancing livelihoods and fortifying forest conservation initiatives within the Maya Forest.

Downloadable poster:



About the Speaker

Luiza Lucena is a second-year Natural Resources Science and Management Ph.D. student at the University of Minnesota (ICGC Fellow). Hailing from Brazil, Luiza holds a BS degree in Forestry from the Brazilian Federal Rural University of Pernambuco and an MS degree in Natural Resources Science and Management from the University of Minnesota, with a track in Economics. With a keen focus on community-based participatory research and market-based conservation tools, Luiza is driven to develop systems that boost market access for forest communities in Latin America. Her passion lies in working with both timber and non-timber forest products, aiming to enhance forest community livelihoods while promoting sustainable forest conservation.