I grew up in Egypt with a passion to enact positive social change. I took early steps in public work and the field of development, by joining Cairo University to study political science and economics. At that time, I was elected to be the president of the faculty Student Union and I was able to form long-lasting relationships with different NGOs, politicians, and development practitioners. In 2016, I completed a diploma in NGO management from Cairo University. My last position before joining the MDP program was as a youth development officer at UNICEF, where I worked on developing inclusive strategies for youth empowerment and engagement on a strategic level with the government of Egypt. I also supported the expansion of skills development programs which aimed to contribute to disadvantaged young people’s journeys from learning to earning. Prior to this experience, I worked at Save the Children for around three years in different positions to advocate for the integration of refugees in the Egyptian society and expand their access to opportunities, which provided me with leadership and field experience. Working in the development field encouraged me to take another step toward developing my skills and knowledge by joining the MDP.