Liza Weinstein
537 Heller Hall (ICGC) and live stream option
Discussant: Snigdha Kumar
Abstract forthcoming
About the Speaker
Liza Weinstein researches and teaches on cities and globalization, urban political economy, and the politics of informality with a regional focus on India. Her work has appeared in Politics & Society, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, and City & Community, and numerous edited volumes. Her 2014 book, The Durable Slum: Dharavi and the Right to Stay Put in Globalizing Mumbai (University of Minnesota Press), examines the Indian state’s changing response to residential informality in the context of economic globalization and global city formation. She is currently completing a book titled, The Logics of Dispossession: Local Histories of India’s “World Class” Evictions, which analyzes the shifting politics of housing insecurity and anti-eviction activism across urban India. She is also leading a National Science Foundation-funded study on the intersection of legal exclusion, embodiment, and territorial stigma in non-notified communities in Mumbai.